What can you expect when you have your HVAC unit replaced?

When your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) unit is replaced, you can expect several key steps and considerations in the process.

Here's a general overview of what you can expect:

Evaluation and assessment:  A professional HVAC technician will visit your home to assess your current HVAC system, including its size, capacity, condition, and efficiency. They will also evaluate your home's specific heating and cooling needs.


Recommendations and options: Based on the assessment, the technician will provide recommendations for the replacement HVAC system that best suits your needs. They will discuss various options such as the type of system (Central AC, heat pump, furnace, Thermostat, Humidifier, Gas Piping, Air Handler and etc.), energy efficiency ratings, size, and other features.


Cost estimation: The technician will provide a detailed cost estimate for the new HVAC unit, including the equipment, installation, additional materials required and labour costs. They may also discuss any available warranties or maintenance plans.


Scheduling and preparation:  Once you agree to the replacement, you can schedule an installation appointment at a convenient time. Prior to the installation day, you might need to prepare the area around the existing HVAC system, ensuring clear access and removing any obstructions.

Removal of the old unit:  On the installation day, the HVAC technician will first disconnect and remove the old unit from your premises. They will take appropriate measures to ensure safe removal, including proper disposal or recycling of components.


Installation of the new unit:  The technician will install the new HVAC unit according to the manufacturer's guidelines and local building codes. This involves connecting the system to the ductwork, electrical wiring, and any necessary piping. They will also install the thermostat and ensure all components are properly integrated.


Testing and adjustments:  Once the installation is complete, the technician will test the new HVAC system to ensure it functions correctly. They will check the airflow, heating, and cooling performance, and thermostat settings, and make any necessary adjustments for optimal operation.


Final inspection and clean-up:  After the testing phase, the technician will inspect the entire installation, ensuring everything is in order and meets safety standards. They will clean up the work area, removing any debris or leftover materials.


Instruction and documentation:  The technician will provide you with instructions on operating and maintaining your new HVAC system. They may also offer tips on optimizing energy efficiency or answer any questions you have. Additionally, you should receive documentation regarding warranties, service contracts, and relevant permits.


Remember, the specific details of the HVAC replacement process may vary depending on factors such as the type of system being installed, local regulations, and the complexity of the installation. It's always recommended to consult with a professional HVAC company for an accurate assessment and personalized guidance.

Our dedicated team of HVAC equipment maintenance professionals can help you diagnose and solve all your air issues. If you're having issues in your home, contact us today to schedule an appointment!